Asociacija aims to secure sustainable conditions and systematic support for professional non-governmental producers and independent creators in Slovenia. The network started as an informal collective in 1992 and has since grown into a professionally coordinated organization providing advocacy and support services to its members and others in the field of independent culture.
We are fulfilling our mission through:
(1) connecting, articulating and advocating for common interests of our members in relation to various decision-making structures;
(2) continuous and structured advocacy activities and policy formation proposals (at the local, national, Western Balkans and European level);
(3) cultural sector promotion by informing, organizing events and researching cultural policies;
(4) networking at the local, national and European level;
(5) connecting with strategic partners and internationalization of our activities;
(6) encouraging partnerships within and outside of the NGO cultural sector;
(7) capacity building for NGOs through counselling, educating, mentoring etc.
Asociacija is a democratic network of individuals and organisations in the field of independent culture, who share experiences and build a strong advocacy organization together. It is based on professional competencies, in-depth acquittance with the field and building partnership relations with decision makers in order to improve the conditions in culture sphere, while also offering support to its members with a widespread peer-to-peer network.
We want to be a strong and stable partner when it comes to the mutual efforts of identifying culture as a driver of development thorough our advocacy and support activities. We strive for a cultural policy system that encourages diversity of artistic expression and creates equal possibilities for access to cultural contents for all.
Our values
Inclusivity, democracy, solidarity, equality, transparency, structured social dialogue and sustainable development.
Asociacija is a membership organisation. You can access the list of all members here.
Asociacijo is coordinated by employed professionals who are supervised by the management board and once a year, all members meet at the general assembly.
Polona Torkar, Office Head, Professional Associate
(polona.torkar [at] asociacija.si)
Ivan Koruza, Professional Associate – Assistance for self-employed persons
(ivan.koruza [at] asociacija.si)
Mistral Majer, Professional Associate
(mistral.majer [at] asociacija.si)
Anže Dolinar, Professional Associate
(anze.dolinar [at] asociacija.si)
Danilo Milovanović, Project assistant
(danilo.milovanović [at] asociacija.si)
We are available via email or by telephone daily from
9:00 to 15:00 at info [at] asociacija.si or +386 51 773 611.
Our office is located on the 3rd floor of Dalmatinova 4, 1000 Ljubljana.
Association’s bodies:
President: Uroš Veber/Zavod Projekt Atol (also responsible for international cooperation and Intellectual property)
Vicepresident: Polona Torkar/ Asociacija (also responsible for self-employed in arts & culture)
Vicepresident: Valentina Rajaković/Radio Študent (also responsible for media)
Governing board:
Intermedia: Jurij Krpan/Zavod Kersnikova
Performative arts: Špela Kopitar/Bunker
Local cultural policies: Borut Jerman/Kulturno izobraževalno društvo PiNA
Research and analysis: Urška Jež/Mesto žensk
Publishing, media and film: Alja Lobnik/Zavod Maska
Music: Sanja Popov Leban/Zveza Mink Tolmin
Local cultural policies: Borut Pelko/Zavod Lokalpatriot
Self-employed: Polona Torkar/Društvo Asociacija
Nik Drozg
Barbara Poček/Glej
Petra Hazabent
We cooperate with partners on the local, national, regional and international level. We are part of a regional Western Balkans network Kooperativa and members of Culture Action Europe and EAIPA – the European Association of Independent Performing Arts on the EU level.
EAIPA – the European Association of Independent Performing Arts
Please direct all your inquiries to the following addresses:
Name: Društvo Asociacija
Official address: Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Office location: Dalmatinova 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: 00386 51 773 611 (mobile)
Email: info [at] asociacija.si
VAT no.: 38450666
ID no.: 1768875000
IBAN: SI56 6100 0001 4575 664
Bank: Delavska hranilnica d.d., Miklošičeva 5, 1000 Ljubljana
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